Debugging Failure:  A candid reflection on my failed tech career

Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

Debugging Failure: A candid reflection on my failed tech career

Long story short, I'm a software developer, and this is a candid reflection on my journey in the tech industry.

I never had a knack for coding until my graduation in 2020. Despite pursuing a graduate degree in Computer Applications, I never delved into coding or built anything during my college years. It wasn't until the COVID-19 lockdown that I started exploring the job market and stumbled upon videos explaining various roles in tech companies. Among them, development seemed more approachable compared to AI/ML and cybersecurity. With newfound curiosity, I purchased a laptop and enrolled in a Web-dev course on Udemy, igniting the start of my career. Fast forward to April 2024, after working for a company for over 1.5 years, I find myself unemployed and unemployable.

In this article, I aim to dissect my journey and shed light on the reasons behind my career's gradual decline. It's not about why I'm currently unemployed, but rather why I'm unemployable. Here are the factors I believe contributed to my downfall:

  1. Inconsistency

  2. Fundamentals

  3. Problem-Solving

  4. Constant pivoting due to preemptive fear of setbacks

  5. Mentor


My learning journey lacked consistency. Initially, I'd dive into new topics eagerly, fueled by motivation. However, that enthusiasm waned over time, replaced by doubt and distraction. This inconsistency hurt my performance as a software developer, leading to missed deadlines and subpar solutions.


As a student, I lacked conscientiousness, merely studying fundamental subjects for exam purposes. It wasn't until later that I realized their crucial role in my career. For instance, I delved into learning ReactJS before grasping the basics of how the Internet operates. Concepts like Operating Systems, Computer Networks, and Databases form the essential groundwork, of which I had little awareness at the time.


Problem-solving has always been a struggle for me. Instead of honing practical skills, I fixated on the theoretical aspects of technologies. This oversight left me ill-prepared to tackle complex issues, whether it be solving LeetCode problems or devising solutions at work.

Constant pivoting due to preemptive fear of setbacks

As a software engineer, I grappled with constant pivoting, fearing setbacks before even encountering them. This preemptive anxiety led to skill deficiencies, ultimately resulting in unemployment. When faced with challenging topics or overwhelming learning curves, I'd swiftly abandon plans rather than persevere.


Lacking a mentor in my tech journey, I faced significant setbacks. Without guidance, I navigated complexities alone, often stumbling over challenges that could have been avoided with mentorship. My failure to connect with professionals beyond work further isolated me, leaving me to navigate the intricate tech landscape in solitude.


In conclusion, reflecting on my tech journey reveals a series of missteps. From initial disinterest to inconsistency, fundamental gaps, and a perpetual fear of setbacks, my career trajectory has been rocky. Writing this article serves as a self-reflection, aiding in my improvement and offering insight for future introspection on my journey. Addressing these critical shortcomings is crucial for future success in the tech industry.

NB: This article was written with the help of ChatGPT